Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872

Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction
Analysis of the efficiency of the primary opening, completion and testing of wells on the example of the Central oil field

UDC: 622.244.5:622.276
DOI: 10.33285/0130-3872-2023-1(361)-40-48



1 Ukhta State Technical University, Ukhta, Russia

Keywords: hydrochloric acid treatment, cemented liner, non-cemented liner, stimulation, development, main borehole, sidetrack, injectivity, thermal barogram, autonomous pressure gauge, well drilling, formation opening


The article provides a comparative analysis of the efficiency of using non-cemented liners compared to cemented liners in medium-low permeable Upper Devonian carbonate reservoirs. It means a two-bore well, both bores of which are oriented in parallel to one and the same productive horizon. The main wellbore in the horizon productive interval is represented by a liner with an outer diameter of 114 mm and a drift diameter of 100.2 mm. The run-in liner of the main well bore was cemented, followed by cumulative perforation by Scorpion-73 system using PP 20 GP charges. Non-cemented sidetrack liner in the interval of oil-bearing formations location is represented by a perforated filter with cutting off productive interlayers by annular packers. The outer diameter of the liner is also 114 mm and the inner diameter is 100,2 mm. The article presents comparative characteristics of the initial values of formations productivity as well as the parameters of the measures taken to stimulate the inflow – large-volume hydrochloric acid treatments. The main thesis is a clear demonstration of reservoir properties deterioration during production casing strings cementing, caused by the penetration of the cement mixture into the reservoir. Clarity is achieved by comparing well development parameters at absolutely identical geological characteristics, drilling conditions, development and stimulation methods, but with different completion methods.


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