Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
A systematic approach to the selection of quality criteria for technical systems and their elements for oil and gas production according to the principle of hierarchy

UDC: 622.276
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-5(131)-77-84



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia

Keywords: quality criteria, technical systems, system approach, hierarchy principle, regulatory documentation


The development of methodological foundations of a systematic approach to the selection of quality criteria for technical systems and their elements for oil and gas production is an urgent problem for oil and gas companies. The required quality criteria for individual elements of the technical system and their connections can be determined according to the principle of hierarchy. This principle determines the execution of operations for the selection of quality criteria of the technical system and its elements in a certain sequence, depending on their subordination; at the same time, the exit from the previous operation should be the entrance to the subsequent one. This systematic approach is not yet used by oil and gas companies of the Russian Federation and oil and gas service enterprises, as evidenced by the regulatory documentation in force in these companies. The quality criteria of technical systems individual elements are chosen in the absence of quality criteria for these systems as a whole. This leads to low efficiency and reliability of technical systems, significant costs for their creation and use. The application of the proposed approach to planning the quality of technical systems and their elements according to the principle of hierarchy by oil and gas and service companies will allow them to develop modern regulatory documentation. Such documentation will ensure the ability of various technical systems and their elements to fulfill their purpose at a regulated level of their energy efficiency, reliability, safety, manufacturability. Also, this documentation will ensure the minimum possible costs for their manufacture and use in the specified operational conditions.


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