Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
An approach to hydrodynamic modeling of the transformation process under the action of hydrocarbon solvents and the temperature of organic matter in the Upper Jurassic formation of the Western Siberia (based on the results of laboratory experiments on core samples). Part 1. Formation of the required data for modeling

UDC: 622.276.031:532.5:550.832.3
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-6(366)-35-40



1 "LUKOIL-Engineering" LLC, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: modeling, creation of a hydrodynamic model, laboratory experiments on core, kerogen


For oil source Upper Jurassic deposits, which are now beginning to be developed by drilling horizontal wells, an urgent and promising trend is the search for a technology to involve almost low-permeable kerogen-bearing rocks in the development. The latter dominate in the Upper Jurassic section, which also contains natural reservoirs. The problem of developing a new technology is extensive. One of the most environmentally friendly ways to solve it is to conduct experiments on the core, simulating the impact on the rock in conditions close to reservoir ones, followed by modeling the observed processes in a hydrodynamic simulator. This approach will allow assessing the potential effect of the impact. The present article is devoted to its implementation.

Based on the analysis of the results of special experiments on the core, a scheme for modeling the process of kerogen cracking under the influence of temperatures using hydrocarbon solvents is proposed. The stages of creating a hydrodynamic model in the CMG STARS software are considered, taking into account the experimental data. The material is so extensive that the authors of the article have to present it in several successive publications. The first part describes the initial stage of research: the formation of the factual data block for modeling, among which the results of core experiments play an important role. Based on the experimental data obtained, the optimal conditions for implementing the technology of a hydrocarbon solvent injection into the Upper Jurassic deposits using a coolant were determined for the first time.

The following publications will describe the creation of a conditional hydrodynamic model (HDM) of an experiment conducted on a core, including a PVT model with selected components and determining the dependence of the involvement of the non-drained part of the section on temperature as well as present the stages of creating and adapting a chemical transformation model (CTM) for the low-permeable part of the section and reservoir rocks.

The approach proposed by the authors of the article will allow creating a hydrodynamic model that takes into account the source rock features and reflects the actual experimental data for two types of rocks (permeable and impermeable in reservoir conditions) as well as calculates the efficiency of a hydrocarbon solvent injection with heating into the Upper Jurassic deposits from the point of view of oil recovery enhancement.


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