Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 622.32
DOI: -


Mikhailov Dmitry N.

Keywords: partly saturated porous medium, linear waves, microbubbles of gas


Three typical cases when gas inside pore space forms bubbles are considered: gas microbubbles occluded in continuous saturating liquid; microbubbles adsorbed on pore surface; marobubbles occupying one or several pores. Theoretical analysis of the effect of these gas states on the characteristics of Frenkel−Biot P-waves is carried out. Analytical expressions for phase velocities of Frenkel−Biot P-waves are derived for low-and high-frequency ranges. It is shown that attenuation coefficient of 1st wave (i.e. P-wave which is determined mainly by compressibility of saturating liquid and material of porous matrix) essentially depends on gas state inside the pore space. Since the presence of gas microbubbles occluded in continuous saturating liquid is important for some practical applications (for example, some techniques to enhance oil recovery), the attenuation coefficient of 1st wave can be used as a diagnostic parameter.


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