Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University
Investigation of influence of fretting on risk of depressurization of flange joints at GDS facilities under increased vibrations

UDC: 539.375.6
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2022-2(307)-158-171



1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: gas distribution station (GDS), increased vibration, fretting, flange joint, tightness, compression pressure


The article presents the features of the development of fretting on the contacting surfaces of flange joints sealed by various materials. Their influence on tightness under conditions of increased vibrations was studied. On the basis of the conducted physical experiment, the regularities of change in the wear intensity depending on the pressing force in the “flange – sealing” contact zone and the vibration rate for various friction pairs were established and described. It was found that the use of seals made of thermally expanded graphite and polyurethane at high vibrations is inexpedient due to the formation of unacceptable accumulated wear in relation to the initial thickness of the gasket, while the use of sealings made of paronite and carbon steel under conditions of high vibration loads is characterized by less intense wear. Due to the possibility of compression under heavy load and resistance to various climatic influences, paronite is able to ensure the tightness of the flange joint for a longer time. It was determined that the development of fretting wear in flange joints operating under conditions of increased vibrations leads to an intensive decrease in the compression pressure of the gasket and a decrease in the time of trouble-free operation, however, the lower the operating pressure inside the pipeline, the longer the tightness of the flange joints will be maintained. To prevent failures at the GDS and timely replace paronite gaskets, a method for predicting the operability of such a sealing was proposed.


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