Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
Method of complex selection and evaluation of the properties of spacer fluids before cementing in laboratory tests

UDC: 622.245.4
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2023-10(658)-20-28



1 LUKOIL-Engineering Limited PermNIPIneft Branch Office in Perm, Perm, Russia

Keywords: wellbore preparation, spacer fluids, test procedure, compatibility, displacement, replacement, washing capacity, quality of anchorage, wellbore cleaning


The use of effective spacer fluids before cementing is one of the factors that ensures the required quality of well cementing.

At the present time there are no unified methods for testing the properties of spacer fluids and criteria for their evaluation. The paper considers a unification of approaches to the selection and testing of spacer fluids before primary cementing by developing method, which allows to estimate the efficiency and technological properties of spacer fluids at the stage of laboratory tests.

Method will provide a basic system approach to the evaluation of the main properties of spacer fluids with various component compositions. It will allow to exclude negative consequences of substandard preparation of a wellbore at the expense of confirmation of the main properties of spacer fluids.

The article deals with the basic requirements and functions performed by the spacer fluids. In accordance with the requirements, functions, criteria of effective displacement and substitution a set of necessary laboratory tests and criteria for evaluating the properties is defined.


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