Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
Influence of change of the position of the phase interface level in a borehole on the shape of the pressure build-up curve

UDC: 622.276.031:532.11
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2023-10(658)-59-65



1 LUKOIL-Engineering, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: wells hydrodynamic research, production logging tool, pressure build-up curve, water cut, density, reservoir fluid


During a well shutdown for the pressure build-up curve registration there occur processes of gravitational separation in the wellbore. As the pressure is being restored, the level of phase interface may change its position, for example, water as a denser fluid, under the action of gravity, settles with time and can be pressed out to the perforation interval, in the case of interflows between the layers. In cases, when the phase interface level is changing, the depth gauge passes from one phase to another one as well as when the phase interface level is between the gauge and the perforation interval, uncharacteristic distortions (glitches) may be observed on the pressure build-up curve. The described processes can also have a significant impact on the diagnostic graphs form (due to the fluid density change, two levels of stabilization can be observed on the pressure derivative, one of which is incorrect), thus finally affecting the accuracy of the results obtained during interpretation. To obtain correct results of the data interpretation, obtained in the course of wells hydrodynamic study, it is necessary to monitor the change of the water cut during the well operation and the fluid distribution density in the wellbore during its shutdown.


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