Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
Organization of multidisciplinary interaction as an instrument for optimizing costs for wells overhaul by the method of sidetracking

UDC: 622.24.082.5
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2023-3(651)-49-55



1 LUKOIL-Engineering Limited PermNIPIneft Branch Office in Perm, Perm, Russia

Keywords: residual recoverable reserves, sidetrack, sidetrack profile, multidisciplinary team, non-productive time


In the course of the work, the purpose of which was to find solutions for optimizing the costs of sidetracks drilling, the experience of sidetracks drilling in the fields of the Perm Territory was considered. It is noted that the place of the sidetracking site location is generally chosen under the condition of achieving the design goal of drilling. In this case, the main criterion for planning trajectories is non-exceeding the critical zenith angles and the curvature optimal spatial intensity. It has also been revealed that in most cases possible complications in the drilling process are not taken into account. Based on the above-said, the authors concluded that it is possible to achieve a reduction of sidetracks drilling cost by optimizing their trajectories within the framework of multidisciplinary interaction of interested functional areas. The fields of the Perm Territory are mature, being at the 3d stage of development and possessing significant residual recoverable reserves. Due to the field reserves depletion, the stock of idle and marginal wells is increasing from year to year because of low flow rates and high watering. Oil and gas producing companies are forced to be engaged in the restoration of previously suspended (inactive) and abandoned wells. This task can be accomplished through the use of high-tech wells workovers, including the sidetracking method, which is the most expensive type of geological-technical measures, but also the most common one in all oil and gas regions of the world, since it is very effective [1–5]. The cost of this type of wells geological-technical measures directly depends on the sidetrack length and well profile parameters, as well as non-productive time (mainly for the elimination of possible complications) [6]. The selected design solutions that determine the conditions of drilling a sidetrack also affect the development and commissioning of wells. Overestimated repression and unsatisfactory quality of cementing are the factors which can cause failure of reaching the planned (design) flow rates. Besides, in case of exceeding the design intensity of the curvature set and a significant deviation of the actual profile from the designed one, it may adversely affect the choice of the installation site of the downhole pumping equipment and its overhaul period. Therefore, the choice of a candidate well and the definition of a zone for the development of reserves (drilling targets) should be approached taking into account all the factors of influence both in the process of a sidetrack drilling and during its operation. It can be achieved through the joint work of a multidisciplinary team [7, 8].

The article analyzes the sidetracks fund of LLC "LUKOIL–PERM", drilled at the fields of the Perm region in 2017–2022. A solution is presented for optimizing production tasks by organizing the import of inclinometry data. An algorithm for constructing sidetrack profiles is considered. The final stage of work is the planning and calculation of wells sidetracks trajectories at one of the southern fields in the Perm Territory by a multidisciplinary team.

The work resulted in proposals for planning sidetracks, taking into account the optimization of their lengths. The high importance of a multidisciplinary team participation in the selection of candidate wells and drilling targets for them has been proven. The results of the work are of practical importance and can be used in the production activities of oil and gas companies.


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