Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
Analysis of the technology of high sulfur natural gas amine preparation

UDC: 665.632.013.004
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2023-3(651)-59-62



1 O’ZLITINEFTGAZ, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Keywords: natural gas, mercaptans, desulfurization, gas consumption, temperature, pressure


Due to the reservoir pressure drop at the gas condensate fields and, correspondingly, high sulfur gas at the entrance to the desulfurization units there occurs installations power decrease and the operational parameters deviation from the indicators of the technological regulations, the purification of mercaptans to the requirements of the O’z DSt 948:2016 standard is not achieved.

The analysis of the technological process material-heat balance, based on the results of modeling gas purification schemes from mercaptans proves the fact, that presently, at the Mubarek gas processing plant, due to the pressure drop at the entrance to the desulfurization units and the excess of the standard operational life of the equipment, there happens power decrease of the installations and the operational parameters deviation. from the technological regulations indicators. The operational experience of industrial installations for the amine purification of sour gas proves the necessity of their modernization to increase the efficiency of production.


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