Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
Application of decision-making supporting instruments in big capital projects

UDC: 622.276
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2023-4(652)-86-93



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia
2 LUKOIL-Engineering, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: major capital projects, decision-making, decision-making support, framing, decision-making quality, decision-making support package


The paper considers the problems of preparation and decision-making in major capital projects in the oil and gas industry. Decision is defined as a choice among alternative variants of action that is associated with a conscious, irrevocable allocation of resources to achieve a desired objective. Decisions in major capital projects, including a final investment decision, on the one hand, are made in conditions of essential uncertainties; on the other hand, substantially define a project’s success or failure. It is caused by the necessity of developing a separate procedure of decision-making analytical support. The experience obtained proves the fact that this process substantially increases the probability of a project’s implementation success. The key instruments of the process, including those that determine project frames, the choice of the best alternative and the decision-making quality are discussed. All the tools described above are simple but efficient means for project goals definition as well as for searching and choosing the optimal variant to achieve them.


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