Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
A technology of a formation re-opening by applying the method of channels radial drilling of by the "Perfobur" technical system

UDC: 622.243.23
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2023-5(653)-5-12



1 RITEK, Volgograd, Russia
2 Perfobur, Ufa, Russia
3 Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Russia

Keywords: radial drilling, secondary opening of a formation, enhanced oil recovery, elimination of accidents, inflow stimulation, perforation, RITEK


The article discusses the technology of a formation secondary opening by drilling directional channels, which allows reducing the clogging effect formed during the initial opening of the formation productive part as a result of drilling fluids absorption or multiple well killings during operation.

One of the main areas of application of radial drilling technology is the recovery of emergency wells operation, where the operating perforation interval is blocked by emergency equipment, and the cost of its extraction exceeds the expected economic effect from the elimination of the accident.

Reservoir heterogeneity, large lateral variability of a reservoir permeability, proximity of water-saturated interlayers to productive intervals are additional complications during the inflow stimulation, which, together with technical risks, significantly complicate fields development at the late stages of operation and require the introduction of new effective methods of geological-technical measures. The proposed technology allows re-opening the upper part of productive deposits along a pre-planned trajectory.

The article discusses the results of the actually performed repair on the example of one of the wells of the Vostochno-Furmanovskoye field in the Samara region (subsoil user RITEK LLC). The operation of the well became impossible due to the fall of the installation of an electric submersible pump (ESP) on the well bottom and the overlap of the existing perforation interval. The extraction of the ESP requires the use of powerful lifting units, and the success of the "fishing" work is not always guaranteed.

A full-fledged construction of a sidetrack makes it possible to re-open the productive formation, however the costs multiply exceed the economic effect expected from the elimination of the accident. In this case, the optimal solution is the technology of drilling radial channels, the cost of which is several times lower than with full-fledged drilling of the second wellbore, since the work is carried out using a standard lifting unit (APR-80 type) for wells maintenance or current workover.


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