Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
Directional static survey data reliability assesment based on mud logging data

UDC: 622.243.23
DOI: -



1 Institute of Geology and Development of Fossil Fuels, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: directional survey, static survey, well trajectory, mud logging data, directional survey depth, directional survey time, pipe tally, ESP installation zone


To date, the directional survey data quality control services of directional drilling contractors cannot conduct a detailed analysis of all information gained from the drilling rigs during the drilling process due to their large capacity. This circumstance leads to violation of directional static survey measurement procedure, which, in turn, leads to poor-quality initial data used for well trajectory calculation. Moreover, facts of intended falsifications of directional survey data were recorded, which significantly complicates the determination of the actual wellbore position, increases the risks of well collision and incorrect interpretation of geological and geophysical logging data obtained while drilling process.

Mud logging data analysis while drilling affords additional independent quality control of directional survey data and provides additional information about the reliability of the data received from the downhole telemetry system.


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