Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
Matrix oil is a promising type of hard-to-recover raw materials of the Orenburg oil, gas and condensate field

UDC: 622.276.1/.4
DOI: -



1 Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg, Orenburg, Russia

Keywords: high-molecular raw materials, matrix oil, Orenburg oil, gas and condensate field, hard-to-recover reserves, high-molecular components, prospecting and appraisal well


The Orenburg oil, gas and condensate field, which has been in development since 1974, is one of the unique and most significant gas fields in the country. Currently, the depletion of gas reserves is more than 78 %. In addition to recoverable gas and condensate reserves, there is a significant amount of matrix oil in the gas-condensate part of the Main Reservoir, which is a promising type of hard-to-recover raw material.


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