
Publishing House

Publishing regulations

Gubkin Publishing House is a specialized subdivision of Gubkin University, which publishes and distributes scientific and technical, scientific and economic journals established by Gubkin University. The Publishing House aims to assist the scientific and pedagogical staff of Gubkin University in publishing the results of their scientific and academic activities and to promote the scientific achievements of the University faculty.

Currently, Gubkin Publishing House issues and distributes the following journals:

  • Automation, telemechanization and communication in oil industry
  • Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
  • Environmental protection in oil and gas complex
  • Oilfield engineering
  • Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
  • Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex
  • Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction
  • Proceedings of Gubkin University

The Editorial Board

Editorial Board regulations

The Editorial Board of scientific and technical journals published by Gubkin University is a collegial advisory body of Gubkin University established to increase the rate of the publication activity of the University, ensure a high scientific level of journals published by the University and their promotion within the national and international scientific community, as well as assist the University scientists and faculty members in publishing the results of their research.

Personal structure

Martynov V.G.
Rector of Gubkin University, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Board Chair

Maksimenko A.F.
Vice-Rector for International Affairs at Gubkin University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Board Chair

Lopatin A.S.
Chair of the Commission on Editorial and Publishing Activities of the Academic Council of Gubkin University, Head of Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Board Chair

Zavyalov A.P.
Director of Gubkin Publishing House, Candidate of of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Board Secretary

Abramov G.S.
Doctor of Economics, Member of the Technical Committee 024 "Metrological support of hydrocarbons production and accounting", Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Automation, telemechanization and communication in oil industry" (subject to an agreement)

Bliznyukov V.Yu.
PJSC NK Rosneft Project Manager, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction” (subject to an agreement)

Giruts M.V.
Dean of the Faculty of Research and Academic Personnel and High Qualification Personnel at Gubkin University, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor

Golunov N.N.
Vice-Rector for Continuing Professional Education at Gubin University, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Associate Professor

Grinyaev S.N.
Dean of the Faculty of Integrated Security of the Fuel and Energy Complex at Gubkin University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Dedov A.G.
Head of Department at Gubkin University, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Proceedings of Gubkin University"

Dmitrievsky A.N.
Scientific supervisor at the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields"

Ivanovsky V.N.
Head of Department at Gubkin University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Territorija Neftegas"

Komkov A.N.
Head of the Department for Scientometrics Research and Support for Publication Activity at Gubkin University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Lopovok G.B.
Director of the Publishing Center at Gubkin University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Mastepanov A.M.
Head of the Analytical Center for Energy Policy and Security of the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex"

Melgunov V.D.
Head of Department at Gubkin University, Doctor of Law, Professor

Meshcheryakov S.V.
Head of Department at Gubkin University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Environmental protection in oil and gas complex"

Mikhailov N.N.
Professor of Gubkin University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Oilfield engineering"

Muradov A.V.
Professor of Gubkin University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Head of the Editorial Board of the journal “Proceedings of Gubkin University"

Oganov A.S.
Head of Department at Gubkin University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Bulletin of the Association of Drilling Contractors"

Pozdnyakov A.P.
Professor of Gubkin University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Automation, telemechanization and communication in oil industry"

Postnikova O.V.
Dean of the Faculty of Faculty of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics at Gubkin University, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor

Solovyanov A. A.
Deputy Director of the All-Russian Research Institute for Environmental Protection, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Environmental protection in oil and gas complex" (subject to an agreement)

Telegina E.A.
Dean of the Faculty of International Energy Business at Gubkin Uniiversity, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Tumanyan B.P.
Профессор РГУ нефти и газа (НИУ) имени И.М. Губкина, д.т.н., главный редактор журналов «Химия и технология топлив Professor of Gubkin University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of the journals: "Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils", "Oil and Gas Technologies", "Industrial Services"и масел», «Технологии нефти и газа», «Промышленный сервис»


Moscow, Leninsky prospect 65, Building 1
Gubkin Publishing House
Mr. Alexey Zavyalov
+7 (499) 507-91-66

Subscription Specialist
Ms. Irina Shapoval
+7 (499) 507-91-18
Journal “Automation, telemechanization and communication in oil industry”
Executive Editor
Ms. Galina Terekhina
+7 (499) 507-91-49
Journal “Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields”
Executive Editor
Ms. Anfisa Astakhova
+7 (499) 507-91-18
Journal “Environmental protection in oil and gas complex”
Executive Editor
Ms. Vera Volkova
+7 (499) 507-91-18
Journal “Oilfield engineering”
Executive Editor
Ms. Anfisa Astakhova
+7 (499) 507-91-18
Journal “Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex”
Executive Editor
Ms. Elena Eruslanova
+7 (499) 507-91-17
Journal “Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex”
Executive Editor
Ms. Elena Eruslanova
+7 (499) 507-91-17
Journal “Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction”
Executive Editor
Ms. Olga Kalinina
+7 (499) 507-91-68
Journal “Proceedings of Gubkin University”
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Mr. Alexey Zavyalov
+7 (499) 507-91-66