1. Materials should be submitted electronically.
2. An article should be relevant to the topic of a journal. Articles that have been published previously are not accepted.
3. Materials should be supported by a cover letter (indicating a contact phone number of an author and a postal address to send a printed version of a journal).
4. As a rule, the size of an article does not exceed 15 pages (A4 page size: 210 × 292 mm). It is recommended to:
- type the text in Word format (1.5 spacing, 12 point font, no breaks into 2 columns);
- type simple formulas in Word format and use a specialized formula editor (e.g., Microsoft Equation 5.0) for complex formulas;
- make images in one of the following graphics and illustration software: CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel throughout the text and in separate files. Photos should be of good quality.
When writing an article, generally accepted terms, measurement units and conventional symbols should be used throughout the whole article. Abbreviations and conventional symbols should be decoded at the first use in the text.
All Latin symbols of physical quantities (A, I, d, h, etc.) should be typed in italics; Greek symbols, function names (β, sin, exp, lim), chemical elements (Н2О), measurement units (MW / cm2) - in regular font. Symbols (, etc.) should be indicated on the margins of the article.
It is recommended to use in formulas the letters of Latin, Greek and other (not Russian) alphabets.
5. Each scientific article should contain the following data:
- UDC code;
- article title;
- surname, name, patronymic of the author;
- academic degree, academic title;
- position, affiliation (if any). It is important to indicate clearly the affiliation and position, without any further interpretation and abbreviations;;
- organization address;
- telephone, e-mail of each author;
- abstract (at least 120 words in Word format with 1.5 spacing, 12 point font, no breaks into 2 columns) shoud be clearly structured and succinct, contain basic factual information and conclusions presented in the article;
- keywords related to the content of the article (8-10 words or phrases). Each keyword or phrase should be separated from another by a semicolon and may include no more than 100 characters;
- main text of the article (see paragraph 4);
- cited references and / or lists of cited references should be made in accordance with the National State Standard (GOST). References to foreign publications are required. When referring to sources that have DOI index, it is recommended to indicate this index in the list of references. References should be made in the text in square brackets (e.g., [1]).
The list of references is made by the order of reference in the text of the article. Materials to which there is no reference in the text of the article should not be included in the list of references.
The correct description of used sources in the reference list is a guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when evaluating the scientific activities of its authors, organization, region, country.
No more than 30% self-citation of any published works is allowed.
The list of references is duplicated in the Latin alphabet (transliteration). For this purpose it is recommended to use specialized services..
6. The information specified in paragraph 5 (except for the text and links) should be provided both in Russian and in English. To avoid distortion of meaning in translating into English, electronic translators should not be used when translating the title, abstract and keywords.
7. The authors of published articles are responsible for the accuracy of the facts, statistics, proper names and other information, as well as for the content of materials that are not subject to open publication.
8. By submitting the article to the Editorial Board, the author undertakes not to publish it either in full or in part in another journal without the consent of the Editorial Board.
9. The average publication time for each article is 3-5 months.
1. The list should be created using Times New Roman, italic 12 point font.
2. Each source in the list should be a separate paragraph.
3. Automatic list numbering mode should be disabled. Each source should be numbered manually in the «X.» format, where X is the source number.
4. The list should be aligned to the left. The line spacing should be 1.5. There should be no space before and after the paragraph, as well as no first line indent (it should equal to 0).
5. The line preceding the list of sources should contain the word "LITERATURE", placed in the center (Times New Roman, italic 12 font, capital letters).
6. All data on the source should be provided in the original language (translation of data into Russian is not allowed or, if necessary, it should be displayed in the corresponding fields of the source after the "=" sign).
7. The set of fields, their format and location for each source is determined by the source type (see examples of formatting sources).
8. If the source has DOI, its code should be indicated, online resources should contain URL.