Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222

Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex
New approaches to three-dimensional geological modeling of the structure of the Upper Jurassic thin-layered sediments in the Western Siberia

UDC: 622.279+510.644.4
DOI: 10.33285/0132-2222-2021-12(581)-21-26



1 LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: Upper Jurassic deposits, three-dimensional geological modeling, oil reservoirs


Geological models are ubiquitous, constantly updated, improved and used to solve a wide range of problems arising in the exploration and development of hydrocarbon (HC) fields. At the present moment, the issues of methodology and algorithms for constructing models remain a complex engineering problem. The object of research in the article is the thin-layered Upper Jurassic deposits of the West Siberian oil and gas basin, containing huge reserves and resources of hydrocarbon raw materials, characterized by a sharp heterogeneity and variability along the section. The creation of an adequate detailed geological model of the studied object is an urgent and non-trivial task. The article describes some approaches to creating a highly informative three-dimensional digital model of complex reservoirs confined to the Upper Jurassic deposits, using the example of the Sredne-Nazymskoye field. When creating a geological model, all available geological-geophysical and field information, detailed lithotyping and stratification of the Upper Jurassic deposits were used. This approach increases the reliability and detail of the model, which allows making the best decisions for efficient field development.


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