Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222


UDC: 622.32:519.688
DOI: 10.33285/0132-2222-2021-5(574)-17-24



1 Federal Research Centre "Computer Science and Control" of the RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Russian Transport University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: regional programming, long-term planning, design of general arrangement schemes, oil and gas producing region, oil and gas fields, methods of discrete optimization, automated planning and design systems


A set of software systems developed at different times in the Dorodnitsyn Computing Center of FRC "Computer science and control" RAS, based on the methodology of regional programming is considered. The systems use original mathematical models, methods and algorithms and allow solving a wide range of problems when developing oil and gas producing regions and fields. These are the systems for solving problems of long-term planning of gas and oil production, designing of general schemes for fields development, designing of offshore hydrocarbon fields, placing of facilities and communications, designing and analyzing of networks, planning of the operational life cycle of petroleum products, as well as ensuring the reliability and safety of oil and gas complexes. For each system, its purpose, the mathematical apparatus used, the main functionality and examples of practical application are given. Joint use of the systems is possible within the framework of integrated regional programming systems. The considered systems can be used for solving the problems of complex development of hydrocarbon deposits in the macro-regions of the Eastern Siberia, the Far East and the Arctic zone.


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