
Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222


UDC: 004.942+665.73
DOI: 10.33285/0132-2222-2021-7(576)-28-36



1 MCE-Engineering, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 KSIMATIC, Moscow, Russian Federation
3 Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation
4 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: gasoline mixing, intelligent system, optimization model, gasoline mixing recipe, mathematical description, optimality criterion, limitation, parametric uncertainty, neural network


The process of gasoline blending is an important final stage in the overall technological chain of gasoline production. The technological costs of compounding are determined by the efficiency of maintaining the hydrodynamic mode of mixing gasoline components, control, optimization of the fuels mixing components, optimal control and regulation. The development of a mathematical model, the formulation of the problem of optimization and control over gasoline mixing in real time (online mode) is one of the important stages in the creation of a distributed control system (DCS). The paper presents a mathematical model of gasolines mixing online optimization, taking into account the conditions of uncertainty of the technological regime parameters. The presented mathematical model takes into account the parametric uncertainty of the gasoline mixing process in real time when constructing control algorithms in the DCS. A neural network model for solving the problem of forecasting and optimizing a gasoline blending control system in real time is presented.


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