Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222


UDC: 0681.05.08
DOI: 10.33285/0132-2222-2021-8(577)-5-10



1 LLC "Oil and Gas Measuring Technologies", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: liquefied natural gas, Sampling uncertainty, multicomponent mixture


Validation of sampling correctness is an estimation of uncertainty components determined under the assumed conditions of regular application of the methods. To obtain reliable results, the flow of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) mixture should be prepared prior its entering the sampling zone. Sampling and analysis of the results should be carried out closer to the sampling site. If the measurement method meets the requirements for compliance with the intended purpose, it is considered suitable for use in the site for a specific type of LNG. The method cannot guarantee that the measurement results will actually meet the set goal, if the technological conditions of the homogeneous flow are not met. The conditions for a particular location may change, systematically or occasionally, depending on the flow rate and the type of LNG. The greatest contribution of the uncertainty budget is associated with the heterogeneity of the flow, characteristic of complex LNG mixtures. One sampling method may vary for different applications, depending on the hydrodynamic flow of liquids in pipelines of different diameters and configurations. The sampling technology requires continuous internal quality control of sampling, which should ensure the coincidence of the conditions that occurred during the reliability assessment with the operating conditions. Quality control of measurement results and uncertainty estimation for multicomponent flows of LNG mixture should be performed using the Shewhart control chart method.


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