Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222

Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex
Calculation of the flow rate of a gas transmission system section in the automatic mode for the purpose of gas flow dispatcher control

UDC: 519.876.5
DOI: 10.33285/2782-604X-2022-1(582)-21-25



1 NIIgazeconomika, Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: gas transmission system, algorithm for calculating the flow rate of a section, dispatching control of gas flows, method of successive linear approximations


The article discusses the formulation of the problem and the algorithm for calculation of the flow capacity of a gas transmission system (GTS) section. The developed algorithm is primarily intended for use in the automatic mode of dispatching control of gas flows through the GTS of a gas transmission company or the Unified Gas Supply System as a whole. The algorithm is based on the decomposition of the original problem into the MINLP sub-problem and temperature calculation. Finding solutions close to the global optimum is ensured by using the method of successive linear approximations (SLP) to solve the MINLP sub-problem. The greatest increase in the calculation speed is achieved through the implementation of the procedure for the equivalent calculation of the GTS graph. To ensure the convergence of the algorithm, some approaches are proposed for using additional terms in the criterion and additional constraints for the arcs of the computational graph within the MINLP sub-problem.


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