Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222

Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex
Digitalization of a deposit: completeness and accuracy of the information

UDC: 681.5:622.276
DOI: 10.33285/2782-604X-2022-11(592)-5-12



1 National University of Oil and Gas (Gubkin University), Moscow, Russia
2 SC "HMS Group", Moscow, Russia
3 HMS "Neftemash", Tyumen, Russia

Keywords: borehole products, measuring units, control and management of development, digital model


The article considers the tasks of monitoring and managing the development of hydrocarbon deposits related to the quality of measurements carried out at the measuring installations of the borehole production collection system. Schematization of changes in the properties and composition of borehole products has been carried out, taking into account the technological modes of wells operation, development stages and impact methods. The requirements for field measurements necessary for an unambiguous assessment of each well production volume and for the field as a whole for making decisions on the management of the development of oil and gas and oil fields are substantiated. The article presents schematic diagrams of measuring devices based on coriolis flowmeters that meet the requirements for the quality of measurements of produced crude oil and petroleum gas. The main design features and conditions of using measuring units for operation in various ranges of changes in the properties and composition of borehole products are considered. The schemes of measuring installations and the features of their functioning during the operation of fields using hydraulic fracturing, injection of coolant into the reservoir, gas methods, the development of oil rims, the production of which has significant differences at each stage of development, are considered. The change in the composition and properties of borehole products determines the need to adapt measuring units to current conditions and, as a result, to increase the informational valueof digital models.


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