Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222

Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex
Regulation and standardization for digital technologies application in the oil and gas complex

UDC: 004.8:622.06+681.518.3
DOI: 10.33285/2782-604Х-2022-2(583)-6-16



1 Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: normative regulation, standardization, economics, automation, modernization, oil and gas production, digitalization, intelligent technologies, machine training, de-carbonization, energy transfer


The problems of normative regulation and standardization in the course of digital modernization of the oil and gas complex (OGC) are considered. The ongoing modernization of oil and gas production will ensure a change in its development direction from resource-raw material to resource-innovation one. For the resource-innovative and digital development of the country's oil and gas complex, it is necessary to create, together with the Russian Academy of Sciences, universities and companies, a concept, strategy and roadmap for the digital oil and gas economy, modern industry standards based on the implementation of effective domestic innovative technologies. It is necessary to finalize the existing regulatory and legal framework, taking into account the creation of programs and strategies for the development of the industry and companies within the short and medium terms as well as a unified set of standards for the design, development and introduction of intelligent control systems for production and technological complexes. The objects of transformation are information, technological processes, equipment and personnel. For the widespread introduction and monitoring of the OGC state in the field of innovative technologies implementation, indicators of the digital modernization of enterprises should be developed. This will allow, within the framework of legal regulation, to ensure the priorities for the oil and gas complex development in the long term and reduce the risks of de-carbonization in the context of the global energy transition.


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