Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222

Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex
Information support for decision-making technology on the safe operation of compressed gas equipment

UDC: 681.5:622.279
DOI: 10.33285/2782-604X-2022-3(584)-18-25



1 National Research Nuclear University "MIFI", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: information support, decision making, maintenance, gas equipment


The problems of information support for decision-making on the operational safety of compressed gas equipment of vehicles running on natural gas are considered. The proposed solutions, implemented in the form of a set of software and hardware tools, make it possible to automate the procedures of preparing information for a person making the decision on extending the operational life-time of compressed gas equipment. The experience of using the proposed technology when analyzing the safety of own vehicles of a motor transport company showed an increase in the efficiency of goods and goods transportation processes: reduction of vehicle downtime due to a failure of the gas fuel system by 10...18 %; decrease in the probability of gas-cylinder equipment functioning in dangerous modes by 12...17 %. The presence of information gaps at certain stages of the life cycle of compressed gas equipment caused by the imperfection of the processes for controlling the turnover of potentially dangerous equipment is shown. The structure and composition of the methodology for the rational construction of an information support system for decision-making on the safety of operating vehicles on natural gas are formulated. An information-logical model has been developed for determining individual safety indicators for the operation of compressed gas equipment elements of vehicles running on natural gas. The software implementation of the information-logical model is done as an extension to the core of the Oracle database management system in the Java high-level object-oriented language. The model was approbated on the example of the implementation of measures during the periodic maintenance and examination of compressed gas equipment of the Ural truck.


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