Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222

Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex
To the problem of predicting violations of the legislation on urban planning activities during construction and reconstruction of capital construction objects of PJSC "Gazprom"

UDC: 681.5:622.279
DOI: 10.33285/2782-604X-2022-4(585)-12-19



1 Gazprom Gaznadzor, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: prediction of disturbances, cluster, causes of disturbances, probability, subtype of disturbance, probabilistic analysis


The article considers methods for analyzing "dangerous" cluster content (types of violations) and identifying the most dangerous subtypes of violations for further adjustment and optimal choice of measures to improve the quality of construction and reconstruction of production facilities of the Unified Gas Supply System. The data on violations are considered and their most dangerous subtypes are highlighted. A probabilistic approach to predicting violations is formulated as well as the main conditions for effective and reasonable prediction of priority measures and activities in the field of organization and technology of construction production.


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