Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222

Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex
Modern gas production automation using integrated control and regulation algorithms

UDC: 681.5:622.279
DOI: 10.33285/2782-604X-2022-4(585)-36-51



1 Gazprom dobycha Urengoy, Novy Urengoy, Russian Federation

Keywords: complex algorithm, software package, research, strategy, automation, adaptive control, adaptation and optimization of production, digitalization


The development of modern process control systems is based on the development and application of adaptive intelligent systems. The complex algorithm is designed to maintain a given gas flow rate at certain thermobaric and quality parameters or to fulfill a performance task for given product characteristics (pressure, temperature, water dew point) and to reduce the intervention of operational personnel in this process. The complex algorithm is based on optimization according to the criterion of the generalized operation of the entire gas field, set for each subsystem based on its functional purpose, which ensures the interaction of local algorithms for the entire technological chain – from gas well clusters to a gas measuring station. The introduction of a comprehensive algorithm for maintaining the productivity of gas field No 16 made it possible to reduce the impact of the human factor by performing typical operations of starting, stopping and adjusting the technological process when changing the operating mode of the installation using automation tools.


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