The need to provide the interaction of models of different level control systems at the refineries
UDC: 519.876.5
DOI: 10.33285/2782-604X-2022-9(590)-18-22
1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia
2 Nornikel-Sputnik, Moscow, Russia
3 Center of digital technologies of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: APS-system, scheduling, digital models, actualization, adaptation, oil refinery/petrochemical plant, APC, MES, RTO
A wide variety of control systems are used at a modern production site. Some of them solve the problems of basic and optimal control of individual production units. Other ones allow monitoring the state of the entire production and automating business-processes within the operational management, consisting, for example, in the approving of summaries, the reconciliation of material balances. Still other ones make it possible to build optimal production management plans for a given scheduling horizon. The article deals with the problem of improving the efficiency of APS (Advanced Planning & Scheduling) class systems when solving the tasks of current planning of refineries and petrochemical plants as well as providing the operability of scheduling. An approach to solve the problem by actualization of APS-models using more detailed digital models of individual units of lower-level control systems and adapting by providing interaction between various production services equipped by the systems such as APC, RTO, MES, APS is proposed.
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