Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222

Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex
High-speed tabulated model of a booster compressor station as a part of the digital twin of a gas deposit

UDC: 618.5.015:622.279+622.691.4
DOI: 10.33285/2782-604X-2022-9(590)-45-55



1 Tyumen Petroleum Research Center, Tyumen, Russia

Keywords: digital twin, booster compressor station, gas pumping unit, gas dynamic characteristic, compression, tabulated model, interpolation, multidimensional table, control


At the present stage of the integrated automation development in the oil and gas industry, the problem of optimal real-time control of a field’s production regime in the whole, taking into account the changing parameters of wells operation and other technological equipment, is becoming more and more urgent. To solve it, there appears the necessity of multiple calculations of a deposit’s technological mode in the course of a multi-criteria optimization of its operation and the need to develop and make a management decision within strict time limits. It makes urgent the task of building high-speed mathematical models of individual technological objects of fields development that are a part of the digital twin of the deposit (DTD), including the booster compressor station (BCS). The article presents a methodology for developing a high-speed mathematical model of BCS based on a multidimensional table in a text file format. The proposed tabulated BCS model can later be included in the DTD, used in the process of operational management of natural gas production. The essence of the proposed methodology lies in constructing tables of technological parameters of an object that are exhaustive in the context of the problem being solved based on the use of its "slow" deterministic model for the purpose of further multidimensional interpolation of the data obtained.


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