
Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222

Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex
Mathematical model of gas purification from liquid vapor in metal-ceramic filters

UDC: 66.074.2/.3:66.067.3
DOI: 10.33285/2782-604X-2022-9(590)-56-61



1 Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Oktyabrsky, Russia

Keywords: filter, capillary, meniscus, pressure, granular watered material


The developed mathematical model has been experimentally tested on multilayer ultrathin metal-ceramic filters with an anisotropic structure. Metal-ceramic filters are made in the form of cylindrical cartridges with a length of 0,5…1,0 m and an outer diameter of 40 mm with a wall thickness of 3 mm. The maximum pore radius of the filtration structure was 7 µm, the minimum radius was 2 µm. The porosity of the filtration material is 0,3. The experiments were carried out on the model air–water media. The air at the temperature of 290…300 K was saturated by water vapor and was fed to the filter element. The pressure drop across the filter was 1•103 Pa. After the passage of moist air through the filter element, the dew point temperature decreased by 1,5…2,0 K. The calculated decrease of the dew point temperature for this porous material corresponds to the experimental data obtained.


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