Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222

Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex
Optimization of structure and parameters of pressure-free flow pipeline systems

UDC: 004.8
DOI: 10.33285/2782-604X-2023-12(605)-65-69



1 Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Keywords: options of liquid products transportation, regional drainage system, pressure and free-flow pipeline systems, specially equipped automobiles, optimization of pipeline systems structure


Using the example of drainage systems, the article considers and optimizes various options for transporting liquid products based on pressure and free-flow pipelines and automobile transport. For each type of transport, life cycle cost (LCC) functions are formed depending on the volume of flow and the distance of its transportation. Based on these functions, the areas of using pipeline or automobile transport are justified: over what distances and in what volume it is economically profitable to transport wastewater. To implement and use these areas, a methodology is proposed based on the preliminary construction of a redundant graph of possible options for transporting wastewater and searching on this graph for the maximum flow of a minimum LCC system. Pipeline and automobile transport are used as flow constraints in this method. The proposed methodology is implemented in the appropriate software package and is successfully used in regional wastewater systems optimization. It can also be used in other oil and gas products transportation systems.


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