Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222

Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex
Evolution of the use of mobile operators at technological facilities

UDC: 004.896:622.06+622.24
DOI: 10.33285/2782-604X-2023-3(596)-28-37



1 Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia
3 Digital Design, St. Petersburg, Russia

Keywords: automation, mobility, monitoring, mobile crawler, operator, digital operator, staff, transformation, oil and gas field, information


Digitalization and the use of artificial intelligence methods is a mandatory instrument for ensuring economic efficiency in the technological facilities management. In particular, these technologies application in the oil and gas industry allows reducing the cost of production, contributing to the preservation of infrastructure and human resources, ensuring the growth of production and competencies as well as contributing to the implementation of project regimes; ensuring the formation of additional resources and extending the operational period of oil and gas fields, including those ones being in the final stage of operation or in the conditions of the sea and offshore development. The use of various digital technologies, in particular solutions such as the digital operator – ARM crawler, ARM operator as a digital assistant to the power engineer and technologist in the fuel and energy complex, allows reducing the number of operational personnel at hazardous production facilities, increasing the efficiency of use, forming a rational cost and volume of the work performed, thus reducing the level of equipment downtime. The digital technologies, widely used in oil and gas fields, ensure reducing the cost of production and keeping the industrial infrastructure in working condition or significantly reducing it, increasing the level of technological and environmental safety of production facilities and the personnel involved in the operation processes.


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