Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872


UDC: 622.24(031)
DOI: 10.33285/0130-3872-2021-3(339)-10-14



1 Saint Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Keywords: cement mortar, vibration, casing string, impact strength of the cement stone


During the entire operational life-time of a well, the reliability of the support plays an important role in ensuring the normal production of hydrocarbons. Violation of the cement stone integrity can manifest itself both during the operation of a well and at the stages of its construction. At the moment, there are several ways of wells rotary drilling, depending on their purpose, geological conditions and technical and technological means used in the process of drilling. For example, rotary drilling accounts for over than 50 % of the total well construction. As you know, it is carried out by a drill string rotation, the load transfer to the bit with the subsequent destruction of the rock. It should be noted that in most cases, the tightness of the support is violated as a result of the impact of critical transverse shock pulses of a drill string (DS) arising in case of its misaligned rotation against the inner cavity of the casing pipes. As a result of a drill string’s torsional vibrations occurrence and the dynamics of the rock-cutting tool operation, local shock loads arise, causing a breach of the casing strings’ threaded connections tightness and the integrity of the cement stone. The destruction of the support is one of the reasons for the occurrence of inter-strata cross-flows and the formation of inter-annular pressures, resulting in a reduction of the well operational life-time. The paper discusses the problem of impact of lateral beats of the BHA on the cement stone state. A stand is presented that allows determining the critical range of vibration accelerations due to the dynamic contact of the drilling tool with the casing string, leading to a violation of the well support tightness.


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