Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872


UDC: 553.981+553.98(26)+629.563+665.725
DOI: 10.33285/0130-3872-2021-7(343)-35-45



1 Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: arctic, Shtokman Gas Condensate Field, hydrogen, floating LNG plant, floating plant for the production of hydrogen


In 1988, specialists of "Arktikmorneftegazrazvedka" production association, as a result of drilling Shtokmanovskaya-1 exploratory well in the Barents Sea, discovered Shtokman gas condensate deposit. This deposit is one of the largest in the world. Since the discovery of the deposit, several attempts have been made to develop it. Herewith, each time the technical solutions for Shtokman deposit development were changed. Variants of installing both stationary and floating platforms for gas production in the deposit were considered. Offshore oil and gas production technologies continue developing against the backdrop of a new "green" vector in the energy sector. The energy transition makes it possible to introduce a new approach to the concept of Shtokman gas condensate deposit (ShGCF)development. Today it is possible to build and install a floating LNG plant in the deposit. Another option is building and installing a floating hydrogen production plant in the deposit. Both concepts imply the rejection of the main gas pipelines system and the transportation of products exclusively by gas carriers. The Russian oil and gas industry should take a decisive step forward and realize that the future of energy lies in renewable energy sources and hydrogen. The development of Shtokman field may become a turning point in the oil and gas paradigm for the Russian Federation, given that there are again obvious prerequisites for the project.


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