PDC drill bit with rotating cutters
UDC: 622.24
DOI: 10.33285/0130-3872-2022-11(359)-23-27
1 Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
Keywords: PDC diamond drill bit, rotating diamond cutters, rock-destructing cutting edge of the cutter, anti-shock damper, axial retaining device
In recent years, coneless PDC rolling-cutter drill bits with diamond rock-breaking cutters have been widely used in deep drilling. Their cutting part is equipped with a polycrystalline diamond plate, soldered or welded to a cylindrical hard-alloyed substrate, similar to its diameter. The cutter is fixed in the hole on the blade of the drill bit body and, when rotating under axial load pays a cutting and shearing effect on the bottomhole rock. The manufacturing technology of diamond plates is extremely complex and time-consuming. The resulting PDC cutters possess unique strength properties and heat resistance that allow for a multiple increase of the drilling performance of coneless diamond bits compared to tricone bits, which makes their use cost-effective, even despite a very sharp increase in their cost. However, even these relatively modern and high-performance bits have weaknesses that need to be improved. This article presents the results of research and development of PDC diamond bits, which resulted in elimination of all the previously identified shortcomings.
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