Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872

Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction
Improvement of wells cementing by elastic-damping plugging composition at the fields of the Western Siberia

UDC: 622.245.422
DOI: 10.33285/0130-3872-2022-6(354)-37-43



1 National University of Oil and Gas (Gubkin University), Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: elastic-damping plugging composition, cement stone, filler-elastomer, target sample, pilot tests, hydraulic fracturing, geophysical studies


When opening a productive formation by perforation there occur large shock loads, cracks in the cement and cross-flows in the annulus, which reduce the production rate of wells. Long-term cyclic and vibration exposure exposes the cement stone to heavy loads and leads to its destruction. With poor adhesion of the cement stone to the production string, formation fluid and formation water cross-flows occur, reducing the operational life-time of the well, thus requiring large capital expenses on capital repairs. A formulation of the elastic-damping plugging composition(EDPC) has been developed. Laboratory tests confirmed the compliance of the plugging composition properties with the technological requirements. Pilot tests of EDPC have demonstrated an improved quality of wells cementing at two fields in the Western Siberia as compared with the basic cementing technologies.


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