Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872

Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction
Issues of a pipeline optimal laying in the zones of heterogeneous seismic activity

UDC: 539.3+539.4:692.4
DOI: 10.33285/0130-3872-2022-7(355)-48-52



1 Institute of Informatics, National Aerospace Agency of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan
2 Institute of Ecology, National Aerospace Agency of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan

Keywords: pipeline, seismic event, accident, soil movement, optimization, reliability


Hydrocarbons transporting pipelines are subjected to the influence of potential seismic events. Accidents that occur with such pipelines because of seismic events provoke significant contamination of adjacent areas, necessitating complex remediation procedures. Pipeline accidents mayhappen because of mechanical acceleration soccurrence, displacements of both underground and surface structural elements, depending on their material. In this case, seismic events can force the formation of ruptures, landslides or loosening of the earth mass. The article sets the task of achieving an extremum of a pipeline damage probability and a restrictive condition in relation to the route total length in the seismic activity zone. An optimization problem of estimating the probabilistic indicator of the absence of damage in the pipeline due to seismic events when laying a pipeline of a fixed length in a heterogeneous seismic zone has been formulated and solved. The solution of optimization problems corresponding to two models of the frequency of repair lines carried out on the pipeline made it possible to obtain analytical expressions for the dependence of the length of pipeline segments on peak values of soilvelocities and movements, at which the objective functionals reach a minimum. According to the results obtained, the highest reliability can be obtained when longer pipeline segments are located in the areas with a high PGV or PGD indecies. Physically, it is explained by the fact that with the same value of the indicated peak values, the probability of breaks in a longer segment will be less than in a short segment.


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