The experience of fastening linings during wells run-in-hole operations in the Ogayskaya area
UDC: 622.245
DOI: 10.33285/0130-3872-2022-8(356)-25-28
1 Kazakh Scientific Research Geological Exploration Oil Institute, Atyrau, Kazakhstan
Keywords: drilling, well, casing string, cementing, technology
Development of oil and gas fields in hard-to-reach areas, protection of land, increase of environmental requirements, difficult geological conditions are the main reasons for drilling inclined and horizontal wells in Kazakhstan. Drilling and high-quality cementing of such wells accelerates the development of new oil and gas fields, allows increase of wells flow rates and oil recovery as well as increases the return on investment by drilling fewer wells. On the territory of the Atyrau region, drilling of directional and horizontal wells has recently become widespread. The article discusses some technological operations of fastening liners during drill strings’ run-in-hole operations in the Ogayskaya area.
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