
Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872

Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction
Diagnosing of hydrates formation in field gas pipelines by analyzing pressure fluctuations at the inlet of a complex gas treatment unit (CGTU)

UDC: 62-9-1:54-162.32:62-98:661.91
DOI: 10.33285/0130-3872-2022-8(356)-45-50



1 Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar, Russia

Keywords: unsteady flow of a two-phase medium, gas hydrates in field pipelines, gas-dynamic instability


The process of gas hydrates precipitation in the pipelines of a field gas gathering network (looping) under certain operating conditions exhibits poorly predictable behavior. Unpredictability is manifested in a rapid increase in the rate of hydrates formation, while up to a certain point this process is quite slow, "sluggish" (regular). Hydrate formation slows down the flow, heat transfer decreases (the temperature in the well pipeline drops thus causing even more intense release of hydrates (the transition of the gaseous phase to liquid, and then to a solid one). Thus, starting from a certain moment, with an increase in the rate of hydrates formation, the process acquires an "avalanche-like character", a kind of instability is created. At the initial stage, this instability manifests itself in pressure fluctuations (at the well pipeline outlet) of such a low frequency that they almost do not differ from the planned change in flow rate when controlling the production process. The presented work estimates the unstable harmonics (by the order of natural frequencies magnitudes), which characterize pressure fluctuations in the field well pipelines in case of change in the rate of hydrate formation.


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