Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872

Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction
Evaluation of directional wells flow-rate when heating an oil formation from the roof to the bottom

UDC: 622.276.55
DOI: 10.33285/0130-3872-2022-9(357)-51-55



1 Ukhta State Technical University, Ukhta, Russia

Keywords: high-viscous oil, thermal stimulation method, thermal conductivity, convection, average formation temperature, directional well flow rate


In conditions of thermal mining development of the Yaregskaya area of the Yaregskoye field, oil is produced due to directional wells in inclined blocks with an increase of the formation average temperature during the injection of a heat transfer agent. An oil formation is heated from surface vertical steam injection wells, as a result of which the mobility of oil increases due to the temperature increase and the decrease of the reservoir fluid viscosity. The aim of the work is to study the distribution of the average temperature over the thickness and changes in the viscosity of oil during formation heating from the top to the bottom. The article presents an assessment of directional wells flow rates during the heating of a high-viscous oil formation. The distribution of the average temperature over the thickness of the formation and the influence of the average filtration rate of the formation fluid are considered.


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