Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872

Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction
Mechanism of rock destruction by indenter pressing-in and possibility of earthquake control

UDC: 622.24
DOI: 10.33285/0130-3872-2023-11(371)-16-20



1 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia

Keywords: rock, stress state, shear failure, powdery material, external friction forces, dilatancy, compaction, earthquake


An analogy is drawn between the destruction of a rock sample surface layer by pressing-in of an indenter and the destruction of lithospheric rock prior an earthquake. In both cases, the rock is in a tri-axial, unequally component of stress state of compression. In the first case, compression of the rock under the contact patch occurs artificially, in the second one - naturally. The attention is focused on the physical aspects of the destruction of the rock sample surface layer with increasing pressing-in force, such as elastic deformation of rock components, their grinding, appearance of electrical charges on the fresh surface of dielectric minerals, compression and compaction of grinding products. The appearance of bulk material under the contact patch causes an increase of external friction forces influence on destruction. It is concluded that in order to delay the occurrence of an earthquake, it is necessary to determine the nature of the physical impact on the area of rock crushing at the source of the earthquake, which can ensure compaction of the crushing products.


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