Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872

Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction
Influence of filtrate viscosity and drilling mud composition on permeability recovery factor in the remote area of a formation

UDC: 622.244.5:622.276
DOI: 10.33285/0130-3872-2023-7(367)-15-17



1 Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russia
2 SurgutNIPIneft, Tyumen, Russia

Keywords: drilling fluid, terrigenous deposits, mineralization, filtration unit, laboratory studies, filtrate viscosity, permeability recovery factor, clogging screen


The article presents two formulations of water-based drilling fluids used for drilling production wells in terrigenous deposits of the Eastern Siberia, their component composition, main differences and advantages of a drilling fluid with bischofite and modified starch. The domestic filtration unit is briefly described, the functionality of which allows measuring the kerosene permeability at various distances from the end of the core sample that was in contact with the drilling fluid and simulating various exposure modes. The results of laboratory studies of drilling fluid filtrates’ dynamic viscosity demonstrate a significant excess of the drilling fluid filtrate’s viscosity with bischofite and modified starch, and the results of filtration experiments demonstrate a high coefficient of permeability recovery, which increases with distance from the drilling fluid, which, in the whole, proves the effectiveness of the used drilling fluid with bischofite and modified starch in terms of reducing the pollution of the bottomhole zone and maintaining the reservoir properties of the productive reservoir. The low-permeable clogging screen is subsequently easily removed by various methods of secondary opening.


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