Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872

Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction
A method of a sand plug flushing in an emergency well equipped by underground equipment for safe operation

UDC: 622.244.44
DOI: 10.33285/0130-3872-2023-9(369)-59-63



1 SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Keywords: downhole equipment, sand plug flushing, small diameter tubing, shear funnel tool, design and principle of operation, combined flushing method


To flush the sand plug in wells equipped by downhole equipment with a small flow area, a lowered washing pipes assembly is used, consisting of small diameter tubing types and sizes. When flushing the plug in the pipe space at a depth and in the filter part, the pressure increases greatly, so it is only partially possible to reduce it by reducing the pump performance, and, as a result, leads to stopping of the flushing operation. In such cases, a decision is made to carry out a major overhaul. In cases where it is not possible to release the packer as well as to disconnect the lifting pipes above the packer, if the string disconnection device does not work, emergency work is carried out using drill pipes. It is often not possible to extract equipment of complex design and emergency pipes. While it is possible to reconfigure the flush pipes using a guide funnel and covering the emergency pipe, flushing may not be successful for a number of reasons depending on the weight of the structure and flush pressure. High-quality removal of the sand plug can be achieved by installing a device with a shear guide funnel on the emergency pipe and choosing a rational flushing method.


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