Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872

Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction
Technology for a long-term preservation of arctic wells open wellbores

UDC: 622.2:330.34:004
DOI: -



1 NPO Khimburneft, Krasnodar, Russia
2 LUKOIL-Engineering, Moscow, Russia
3 KubSTU, Krasnodar, Russia

Keywords: prospecting and exploration drilling, conservation of open wellbores, drilling fluid, LGSBR, IRGIS, inhibitory efficiency indicator, consolidating efficiency indicator, conservation special liquids (CSL)


The article presents the results of research and field work that provide the possibility of a long-term conservation of open wellbores during the construction of offshore wells on the Arctic shelf. The technical requirements for a long-term conservation of offshore wells with open wellbores are substantiated. Compositions, technology for the preparation and use of conservation special liquids (CSL) for a period of up to a year when drilling in the Arctic conditions have been developed. The conducted field tests confirmed the high geological and technological efficiency of CSL use. The "Instructions for the preparation and use of conservation special liquid for offshore wells (CSL)" have been approved.


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