Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872

Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction
To the problem of a drill bit balling-up when drilling wells

UDC: 622.24.06.2
DOI: -



1 Ukhta State Technical University, Ukhta, Russia

Keywords: packing, drilling fluids, mineralization, clay rocks, anhydrites, gypsum, colloidal phase


One of the negative aspects of drilling is the formation of balling-upon drill bits and other elements of BHA. It is observed not only in the process of drilling clay rocks with a low degree of lithification, that is, with a high content of plastic clays in the section, but also in other rocks, in particular, when opening clay shale, as well as massifs of moistened anhydrites when the technologies used do not correspond to the conditions of the sectionopening. The authors of the article present the results of field studies on balling-up formation on BHA elements during the construction of wells in weakly lithified clay rocks and calcium salt deposits when using fresh and mineralized drilling fluids. The results of experimental studies on a model device are presented. The factors, influencing the intensity of the process, in particular mineralization and colloidal phasecontent, were assessed. The relationship between the composition of the drilling fluid, the rock and the formation of the packing was determined.


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