Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872

Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction
Improving the quality of cementing casing strings by using hydraulic pulsing in a well annual space

UDC: 622.245
DOI: -



1 Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar, Russia

Keywords: wells cementing, choke, hydraulic pulse action, buffer fluid, flow turbulization, cement cake, hydraulic channel, thixotropy effect, rheopexy effect


When cementing wells in oil and gas fields, cement-based slurry is pumped and forced into the annulus. In the practice of using this method throughout the cementing process, starting from the preparation of the cement slurry and ending with the waiting period for cement hardening (WCH), a number of negative factors arise that reduce the quality of productive formations isolation, leading to annular flows of formation fluids, annular pressures (AP) and other complications. Negative factors for cementing casing strings, first of all, include poor replacement of drilling fluid by cement slurry during the process of pushing it through the annulus. The use of wave technology when cementing wells allows, all other things being equal, to quite effectively increase the replacement of drilling fluid by cement slurry, reduce the negative impact of the mud cake as well as the uneven setting of the mortar and the formation of cement stone along the depth of the well.


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