Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872

Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction
Some features of casing columns primary cementation in permafrost conditions

UDC: 622.24
DOI: -



1 Gazprom, Moscow, Russia
2 Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: permafrost, expanding cementing materials, cementing of casing strings, interlayer fluid flows, inter-casing strings pressure


The authors of the article discuss some specific features of casing strings primary cementing in conditions of permafrost distribution. It has been shown that widely used buffer and cementing materials do not provide the required reliable sealing of the annular and inter-string spaces of all casing strings under conditions of low positive and negative temperatures. It results in occurrence of interlayer fluid flows, annular gas shows, inter-string pressures, gryphon formations and open gas fountains, causing enormous damage to the environment and requiring significant material and financial costs for their elimination. A significant increase of the quality of casing strings primary cementing in these conditions can be achieved as a result of the use of thermal insulation solutions combinations, including a reasonable selection of highly effective component compositions of buffer and expanding cement mixtures and improvement of technologies for their practical application.


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