
Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

The founder of the journal is Gubkin University.

6 issues.

The journal publishes scientific articles on the latest developments of equipment and devices with their technical characteristics, modern process technologies developed by the national enterprises of the oil and gas complex and related industries. It serves as a platform for national manufacturers of oil and gas equipment and provides opportunities for publishing to manufacturers of related industries, whose equipment can be used in the oil and gas industry. Special attention is paid to the national equipment. The journal publishes articles on the latest achievements in the field of improving systems for the development of oil and gas-oil fields, equipment and technology for oil and gas production, as well as discusses the most relevant scientific and production-related issues in the field of equipment and technology for the construction of oil and gas wells and the construction and operation of oil and gas pipelines, bases and storage facilities.

The journal widely covers information about exhibitions, conferences, scientific and technical meetings held by the industry.

The journal is designed as a multipurpose one which meets the business needs of a fairly wide readership.

The editorial office invites specialists from enterprises to cooperate in publishing materials about current developments, as well as advertisers of products.

The editorial office takes requests from enterprises and organizations for the preparation and publication of special journal issues.

Media registration certificate PI No. 77-73917 dated 12 October 2018.

The journal is included in the system of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

The two-year impact factor of the Russian Science Citation Index, taking into account citations from all sources, is 0,89.

The journal is included in the new list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor or Candidate of Sciences should be published in the following fields:

  • 05.02.13. Machines, aggregates, processes (by industry, technical sciences).
  • 05.02.23 - Standardization and product quality management (technical sciences)
  • 25.00.15. Drilling and well development technology (technical sciences)
  • 25.00.17. Development and operation of oil and gas fields (technical sciences)
  • 25.00.19. Construction and operation of oil and gas pipelines, bases and storage facilities (technical sciences)