
Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934


UDC: 622.276:532:519.876
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2021-1(121)-55-61



1 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

Keywords: mismatch expression; mismatch; component composition; objective function; automated history matching; automated history matching of a model; optimization algorithms; history matching quality; reservoir geological-hydrodynamic simulation; oil field; numerical model


The paper is devoted to the two aspects of the objective function formulation for automated history matching of geological-hydrodynamic hydrocarbon reservoir models, which are the mismatch expression and the component composition of the objective function. Numerical modeling is used in the development of oil and gas fields to improve the efficiency of hydrocarbon reserves recovery. Before using the model for forecasting it is matched to the production history data, so that the model will reproduce the historically observed parameters of the wells operation. The optimization algorithm and the objective function are the integral parts of the automated history matching. The objective function expresses the deviation of the calculated well performance indicators from the actual ones and allows the optimizer to find the inverse problems solutions. The purpose of this work is to study the influence of the mismatch expression and the component composition of the objective function on history matching efficiency. The novelty of the research lies in the study of the influence of three types of mismatch expressions of the objective function on history matching, both analytically and confirming by multiple computational experiments. The results of this study helped to develop recommendations regarding the mismatch expression and the component composition of the objective function for reservoir model history auto-matching.


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