
Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934


UDC: 622.691.
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2021-1(121)-95-98



1 JSC "Gazprom orgenergogaz", Moscow, Russian Federation
2 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: noise insulation; pipeline; piston compressor; reliability; testability; acoustic vibrations; spectrum; noise


Over the past ten years, the authors have repeatedly in their articles and reports at seminars and conferences dedicated to the diagnosing equipment and pipelines of compressor stations (CS), addressed the problem of combining protection from industrial noise with ensuring CS reliability. Protection against industrial noise at a compressor station is partially solved by the use of noise-insulating coatings for technological pipelines. These coatings are usually disposable and are designed to last for decades. As a result, the technical state of pipelines: structural, installation and operational defects, the development of corrosion processes due to the penetration of moisture between the pipe and the coating has not been monitored for decades. According to the authors, there is currently no reliable justification for both the use of soundproofing coatings and the choice of the type and design of soundproofing. Nevertheless, until now, in the projects of the compressor station pipelines, it is proposed to use noise insulation for almost all objects, even for those ones where it is a priori ineffective. An example of such an unreasonable use of noise insulation is considered in this paper.


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