
Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934


UDC: 622.276.43"5"
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2021-4(124)-37-44



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: water-flooding management; water-flooding optimization; streamline method; injection efficiency


The widespread application of the water-flooding method when developing oil fields is caused by the high efficiency of the processes of maintaining reservoir pressure and displacing oil at relatively low economic costs of implementation. Along with the obvious advantages of water-flooding, the development of heterogeneous complexly-built reservoirs is characterized by uneven recovery of reserves and a low coverage of weakly drained zones. One of the available options of water-flooding management, characterized by easy implementation and low economic costs, is hydrodynamic methods of oil recovery enhancement, associated, first of all, with changing the operating modes of wells aimed at redistributing filtration flows and involving weakly drained zones in the development. However, the determination of rational wells operation modes for solving this problem is a non-trivial task that has a wide range of solutions. The authors of the paper, on the basis of modeling the development of an oil field by the streamlines method application, injection efficiency factors for injection wells were determined. Redistribution of the injection allowed increasing the average injection efficiency, reducing the current products water cut and increasing the current and cumulative oil production. When calculating, the restrictions on the bottomhole pressure of injection wells were observed, which should not exceed the hydraulic fracturing pressure and the total volume of the injected water. The increase in cumulative oil production at the end of the forecast period amounted to 18750 m3.


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