Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934


UDC: 622.248
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2021-5(125)-59-64



1 Institute of Oil and Gas of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

Keywords: drilling of oil and gas wells, absorption in a well, partial absorption of drilling fluid, loss of large volumes of drilling fluid, catastrophic absorption of drilling fluid, insulating fluid, calcium chloride, polymer of oxypropylated polyacrylic acid, polymer grouting solution


The paper analyzes the drilling fluid absorptions that have recently occurred during wells on-land drilling in Azerbaijan. The influence of methods and isolating compositions on the isolation of absorbing formations effectiveness is analyzed as well. Some liquids and mixtures that could be used in the process of wells drilling were identified. For example, when the drilling fluid absorption during wells drilling is observed, the practice of using cement mortars (mixtures) is widely applied. However, the repeated application of this method when isolating the absorption zone in many wells did not prove a positive result. There also exists a method of injecting an aqueous solution of sodium silicate into the drilling fluid absorption interval. However, the fragility of the obtained sediment in the pores of the absorbing layer has become a big obstacle to its widespread use. In other scientific papers it is proposed to deliver insulating solution to the absorption zone through drill pipes, followed by a retention time...


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